New Birdie Layout
I have a new layout! I've been looking for a 3 column layout for a while now. I also wanted one that has a light background, so that the pictures that I post (especially pics of my makeup looks) stand out better. I wish there were more beauty related layouts available, but I thought I'd change it now instead of putting it off over & over again. & since I'm picky, who knows when & if I'll ever find my perfect layout.I'd like to mention the designer of my layout. Her name is Gisele Jaquenod. I've been through her free templates as well as other templates in her portfolio & I love the colours that she uses. The colours complement each other so well & her layouts are always neat. You can visit Gisele & browse through her work here (
Gisele is also having a blog revamp giveaway. The deadline is tonight, so make sure you check it out asap! Click here for more details on the giveaway. If the link does not work for you, copy & paste the following link in your browser:

Oh, & let me know how you like my new layout. If you see something that's not working, let me know as well. I'm still going to be making a few changes, especially to the sidebars. I also have to resize the pics in my blog posts cause I used to upload & resize them according to my old blog layout's width. That was a silly thing to do & now it's going to take a while to resize them all again, but oh well. At least you can still access the pics.
Also, I have added a link to my list of Endless Contests & Giveaways on Blogger on top (below the header) & in the sidebar on the right as well. I haven't updated the list in a while, but I would like to know if people are actually using that list. I put a lot of time into making the list & it would be nice to know if someone's actually benefiting from it or am I just wasting my time, haha.
Doesn't the new layout look much more professional too? I adore it.
Thanks for following, hun, your new blog design looks fantabulous! xxx
June 15, 2009 at 4:29 PMloveeee the layout how cute.
June 15, 2009 at 4:54 PMawwww
June 15, 2009 at 10:32 PMyour blog layout is so cute!
its so cool to the eyes
i love it!
Hey Saimese...I like the new layout! It's bright and more welcoming than your old layout, which is perfect for the sunshine weather :)
June 17, 2009 at 12:43 AMwhat a cute layout for your blog!
June 17, 2009 at 5:56 AMPost a Comment
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♥ Saimese